Monthly Archives: February 2009

The Vlog is finally here!

Unfortunately, the video and audio are out of sync. It wasn’t like that when I previewed it or recorded it. I tried- to no avail- to see if I could fix it. Maybe next time it won’t be this way…

One more point (no delay here):

One more youtube video

I realize I’ve been posting a lot lately but one more. Someone sent me this and it’s too funny! LOL.

Tired Randomness

I have a couple of serious topics I’m working on but right now I’m tired and a little loopy so I decided to post some of the most random stuff. You ready?


-I bought Season 2 of The Boondocks. I’m so excited, I can’t wait to watch it. Since I didn’t buy my HD TV yet, insha’allah, I’m going to crash my sister’s place…She’s all grown up now. She even started a blog: check her out.

-It snowed I don’t know how many inches. It took me an hour to get home and then I had to shovel. It’s a good work out, that’s for sure, but I think I’ll pay for it tomorrow…sore arms and all.

-I tuck my cell phone in my hijab in order to have a hands-free device. A lot of people think it’s weird. I think it’s convenient. Some people think it’s funny. I was walking through the sky way and this dude just burst out laughing when he saw me. He said it was cute…

-Speaking of cellphone. I really want a new cellphone. Mine is so goofy. It’s falling apart. Everyone I know who has this phone hates it. But cell phones are expensive…can’t trust the refurbished ones either. T-mobile is screwing me over, saying I can’t get a new one at a discount until October.

-I was flipping through Better Homes and Gardens at work (yea, I know) and I found an excellent idea- hanging purses on shower curtain rings! I gotta try it.

-Speaking of work, I have been at this job 3 months and I’ve gotten asked on dates several times now. (Mostly from convicted felons though). Isn’t that interesting?

-I finally had my Ethiopian food fix. It was yummy!!! Viva la Doro Wat.

-Tomorrow is Friday, YAY! I am so tired…I need to go to bed soon, insha’allah. Anybody know of a good comedy book? Something along the lines of this? I’m in need of one.

I love Ethiopian music. Believe it or not, I used to be able to do the shoulder dance. Forget what it’s called…


Another year of carnival withdrawal


Yep, it’s that time of year. Mi start tink bout carnival again (Jamaica’s isn’t until April). No wukking up, no amusing costumes, no Caribbean food, no sweet music and no chippin’, chippin’, chippin’. *sigh* I AM A CARNIVAL BABY…when I hear dem pan like I gone insane! My grandmother used to say, “from mi hear two pan knock mi gone out a road lookin’ to dance.” LOL. Yuh nuh see it?

Early Morning Reflections


Stretching out my hand
My soul quivering
Standing before you
There is no place I’d rather be
The soul cries out for this moment
When I stand before my LORD
Face wet with tears
Pleading for your mercy
For your guidance
Because without it I am lost

I can attest to the power of faith
To the existence of ALLAH
I’ve seen the improvement in my life
I’ve seen the changes in myself
And I know it is only by the mercy and compassion of ALLAH that I have come to this place
My soul is screaming it…
Allahu Akbar!

Now I depart from all the frivolities of life
The ignorance that has kept me enslaved
And I try to do better
To shift the paradigm
And begin anew
Stretching out my hand
My soul quivering from your magnificence
My mind astounded by your mercy
There is no other place I’d rather be
I have arrived

© 2007 JAMuslimah

In case you need something to brighten your day

I heart babies…

Some Thoughts on the Ride or Die Mentality

Working in the criminal justice system, I often see women supporting boyfriends and husbands who are violent, career criminals. Sometimes the women are proud of themselves for “sticking by” their man through all of his legal troubles. They feel proud that they are “riding” for him like a “real woman” would do. I have personally witnessed women going above and beyond for men who, by my personal estimation, do not deserve it. I’ve watched women fill out mounds of paperwork for their man (sometimes while he sits there and flips through his cell phone), pay his restitution and fines, argue with his probation officer, attorney, or even the judge on his behalf, attend all of his court dates, and do so much more. Sometimes I have to prevent myself from asking the woman, Do you really think he’d do all of that for you? In most cases the answer is a resounding N-O. How many Black women have been given lengthy prison sentences as a result of their affiliation with a boyfriend or husband who was a criminal? And how many of those men stood by them? How many men put their lives on hold, raised children by themselves, and made other sacrifices out of sense of loyalty to their woman? I don’t have any hardcore data but I can take a guess…

More importantly, it seems many people in the Black American (BA) and Black West Indian (BWI) community view the support of known and sometimes violent criminals as something honorable. Rather than admonish the person for their criminal behavior we’re enabling them and even convincing them, what they did is “not that bad.” Let me give you an example: A couple years ago, I was attending the Felony Arraignment Court. There was a case where a young man shot into a crowd and killed an innocent bystander. He stepped over the innocent bystander as he continued pursuing the person he was actually trying to kill. The young man’s family- some of whom had come in from out-of-state- and baby’s mother were present in the court. (They took up and entire side of the courtroom.) When his case was called the judge made the decision to place his bond in the millions. The family became indignant. I even heard people yelling “This is bulls@#^!” When the deputy came to take the young man back to his cell, some of the family members yelled out “I love yous” and blew him kisses. Others yelled words of support. Immediately, I wondered if they had ever thought about the person this young man had murdered. Where was the support for him? If I remember correctly, the victim was walking with his friends and fiance when was shot in the back.

If you had been observing the arraignment, you would’ve thought the young man was being wrongly and unfairly prosecuted. You would’ve thought he was a noble young man who was facing a stiff penalty for a petty crime- not a person so inhumane that he would shoot an innocent person and actually step over him in order to kill someone else. I asked myself, why is that some us (Black people) are treating criminals as if they’re political prisoners? What has happened that we celebrate and revere people who are wreaking havoc on our communities? When does a person deserve to be shunned by the community and by the family?

Yes, the criminal justice system has a bias against people of color. Many of us get a raw deal. Many of us fall victim to the prison industrial complex while our White counterparts receive a slap on the wrist. But what about the BAs and BWIs who live a life of crime? What about the Black men who harm other people and undermine the growth of their community for the sake of personal gain? What about the children who are left fatherless because daddy chose to make foolish decisions? And how can women, who are often left to pick up the pieces, support these men? Who trained us to believe this was acceptable? Sometimes I want to tell the ride or die chicks, you are no Betty Shabazz, Myrlie Evers-Williams, or Coretta Scott King. Let’s stop all the foolishness.

I tell you right now, if my husband chose to go out and commit crimes, trying to live the gangsta life, and found himself locked up, I WOULD NOT be a ride or die chick. If he wasn’t a political prisoner of some sort then I’d be gone. Insha’allah, I would not spend my time, energy, money or effort pacifying him as if he is Nelson Mandela. As the old saying goes, you commit the crime, you do the time.

May Allah NEVER test me with such a thing. Ameen.

Big up Urban Futuwwah for the conversation that sparked this post.

This is some crazy shh…

Photo courtesy of Stringer/iraq / Reuters

Female suicide bomber blows self up in middle of Shiite religious procession

Feel Free to Ask Me Questions

I figured since I always post about the silly, annoying questions people ask me about my ethnicity and/or religion I’d post a positive one:

Yesterday, I was in the break room at work, heating up my lunch, chatting with one of my co-workers. In a non-offensive, non-invasive way she asked me what my ethnic background was. (I know a good number of people at work have been wondering about my ethnic background. They seem confused by the fact that I speak ‘clear English’ and behave in a friendly, approachable manner. I know I seem familiar to them in a way and they can’t figure out why since I ‘look so different’). Anyhow, I told her about my ethnic background then thanked her for asking. I explained that most people just make an assumption and how annoyed I become when they do so. Then she asked me if I converted to Islam. I eventually ended up giving her a synopsis of my conversion story. She seemed surprised that I converted at such a young age. We joked about my becoming Muslim being a form of teenage rebellion- in a good way though. I also explained what the shahadah is and how we take it. (She was wondering if I had to be baptized or something). Our conversation ended on a light note but I made sure to say, “If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them. I really don’t mind.”

Today, she came back to ask me another question. She wanted to know if I changed my name and if changing your name is a religious requirement. Once again, I answered her questions and encouraged her to come back again if she had anymore.

Subhanallah, I wish everyone could be as tactful but yet inquisitive as she is.

That’s all. 🙂

Edit: BTW, check out this article over at Jezebel. What do you think? Is “Hijab Tourism” offensive?

If I were a singer…

This is who I’d be. I’d write this song and sing it in this way to this rhythm. She’s very talented and so me.